Monday, August 29, 2011

The Move is On at Sound of The Trumpet E.P.C.

Greetings, Saints & Friends!

We're glad you've accessed our newly established website!  Our technology department has been working very hard to make this possible.  We hope you will be blessed by what we have to offer.  By accessing our website, you plugged into a place where  you can be energized and revitalized to go forth and do the Will of God.

Each service at Sound of the Trumpet E.P.C. is a time to experience a GREAT MOVE OF GOD!  We know that you will feel the Spirit of God moving!

As some of you know, I am on the Executive Board of the International Youth Department of the S.D. James Evangelistic Association, Inc. and its Pentecostal Churches (World-Wide).  This Summer, Youth from our church were able to attend a great Youth Congress in Memphis, Tennessee.


The Theme for this Youth Congress was, "Developing Kingdom Character".


Our children were able to not only see different culturally enhancing places, but they were able to have interacting with individuals who have made history.  People like:

Rev. Samuel "Billy" Kyles speaks with Dr. James.

Rev Samuel "Billy" Kyles was a close friend of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. In 

Fact, Dr. King, Rev. Jesse Jackson, Andrew Young, Dr. Ralph Albernathy were on their way to eat dinner at the 
home of Rev. Kyles, when Dr. King was 

assassinated.  Dr. King was staying at the Lorriane Motel getting ready to speak at a rally for the Memphis Sanitation Workers.  Dr. Kyles told the young people present about the events that took place that evening.  Everyone was riveted to their seats as he spoke.

Delegates pause to take a group picture.  Our children and delegates
represented very well. We're very proud of them.

Youth Staff Members Miriam and Jamarra take a picture
in front of the Civil Rights Museum.

Delegates got the chance to visit the now famous Lorraine Motel. Many people pass thru its doors every day.  There have been additions to the motel and now it is the 
Civil Rights Museum.  It was fascinating to walk through the actual places where Dr. King walked and sleep.  It was even more mind blowing to actually stand where James Earl Ray stood and fired his death shot that took the life of Dr. King.  A voice was silenced, but not the dream.  As delegates walked through the Civil Rights Museum, they saw and heard many life changing artifacts.  I'm sure our children will never be the same.

An African Grio tells how important the
drum was to African life.  Delegatessang
songs and listened.  He was very good.
Delegates visit "Slave Haven".  This house was one of
the main stops along the Underground Rail Road. It was
amazing to be standing in a place where Harriet Tubman
slept while she was leading slaves to freedom.  Delegates
where able to see the uncomfortable areas they had to
endure as they waiting to travel up the Mississippi River
which runs through Tennessee.

                                                                                      Mason's Temple
The Tomb of Bishop Charles H. Mason is placed within
Mason's Temple. We were able to go and pay our respect.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Summer Campmeeting Update

Greetings Saints & Friends! 
Elder E.L. Lindsey & Shepherd Mother Josephine Lindsey travel to Freeport Grand Bahamas

The International Summer Campmeeting is still in progress here in Banks, Alabama.  Many have come here from all over the world.  The Shekinah Tabernacle has been filled to capacity each night and the Word of God has been preached under the anointing.  The Glory of God has returned to God's House even has he said he would do and the Glory of this latter House shall be greater the the former!

Entrance to the Shekinah Tabernacle Tent

Brother Dilbert Martin Shares information about the characteristics of the Jewish Menorah.    The congregation enjoyed him greatly.  Afterwards, he presents Bishop S.D. James with it and a copy of the Jewish Bible.  He was delighted with the gifts!

The Bible states,"O How Good and Pleasant it is for brothers to dwell together in Unity!   There's such a Sweet Spirit of Love here at the Campmeeting.  Praying for one another and being encouraged by the Word of God.


The International Summer Campmeeting will continue for the Saturday and Sunday Night.  A very special communion service will be held on Sunday at Six p.m.  It would be be blessing for you to be here!  If not, we'll say a prayer for you.  Until next time, be blessed and we'll leave the light for Ya!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

The Move is On!

God Be Praised!  

I trust that God is Blessing you all in ever;y aspect of your life.  I'm excited about what The Lord is doing in this hour.   His Word is Coming to pass even as he has spoken it.  Even tho there are great events happening in the earth such as: earthquakes, floods, fires, tsunamis, and others, there are those that are hearing the voice of God and asking, "WHAT MUST I DO TO BE SAVED!" 

This is the hour of visitation!  There is a Great Expectation Among the Sons of God that the Lord will Be Manifested in Earth through his people.  God will do Great Exploits in the Earth to Save Our Love Ones!
He has given us a promise and he will not fail us!  Get Excited about what it is God has told you to do!  And then get busy doing it!   Do it with all your heart, mind, soul and physical strength you can.

If we seek the Kingdom of God and all his Righteousness, ALL THESE OTHER THINGS WILL BE ADDED!  

I Pray God's Strength Be yours and that he will fill your hearts with love for him and the family of believers.  If you are without a church home and you want to feel the Love of God and be nurtured by the Good Shepherd,  then Come to Resurrection E.P.C. and experience the Life Changing Move of God!

Camp meeting is approaching rapidly!  Don't Missed this Great Move of God Under the Shekinah Tabernacle at Brundidge, Alabama.  For more information, just access

B Blessed!

The Move is On! 
Resurrection E.P.C. Outreach Kingdom Crusade 

Apostle S. D. James

Prophet S. D. James

First Lady Missionary Carrie James

Missionary Josephine Lindsey & Grand Daughter "Leah Marie"